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Lumber As A Cash Crop

Moravia Hardwoods LLC has been a key part of the report “Timber as a Cash Crop” broadcast by IOWA PBS on its Market to Market program.

Cole Spurgin has been there representing Moravia Hardwoods and we would like to thank the television network for having us.

Iowa has a great wealth stored in its forests but the trees need to be cared for and harvested properly.

Cole Spurgin/Moravia Hardwoods LLC: “The best advice I can give a landowner is, if they have a current or growing timber stand, don’t just put it on the backburner.”

According to Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, some 3 million of Iowa’s total 26 million acres of cropland are forests – with 85 percent under private ownership.

The report also included Mike Paul (Swan Creek Cabinetry/Boone, Iowa) who quantified the value of Iowa’s forests:

“state forestry and all associated ties are worth around $5 billion to Iowa’s economy. Value-added efforts have helped push the envelope.”

But it is very important that forests are cared for sustainably so that they can be a wealth of today and tomorrow.

Moravia Hardwoods

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